Ep 21: Goal Setting: Love it or Leave it

Season 2 kicks off with the gang debating the merits of goal setting. Jamie, Justin, Karen, and Von break down our goal-setting strategies, touching on habits, resolutions, and why we do or don’t like to commit. Goals can be motivational but also cause stress, fear, and disappointment. This episode explores all of that and how we handle it. Grab a drink, and have a listen.


Show Notes:

L.A. Eddins Graphic Design: https://laeddins.com

Octavia E. Butler: https://www.octaviabutler.com

“First, forget inspiration. Habit is more dependable. Habit will sustain you whether you’re inspired or not. Habit will help you finish and polish your stories. Inspiration won’t. Habit is persistence in practice. You don’t start out writing good stuff. You start out writing crap and thinking it’s good stuff, and then gradually, you get better at it. That’s why I say one of the most valuable traits is persistence.”

Marty Neumeier, “Brand Gap”: https://www.martyneumeier.com/the-brand-gap

James Clear, “Atomic Habits”: https://jamesclear.com

Clear Brand Coaching: https://www.clearbrandstrategy.com/coachinggroup

Terry Marks: https://www.tmarksdesign.com

Von at HOW in the bunny suit:

Timely: https://timelyapp.com

2023 Goals for the Shit Show:

Justin: See everyone in person, and do an episode in person

Jamie: See everyone in person

Von: Live-action video for the show

Karen: Get shit show sponsorships


Ep 22: Special Guest: Marty Neumeier


Ep 20: Season 1 Finale